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Character reference letters about Vladyka Seraphim

Dear brothers and sisters!

All your letters in one or another way contain the Character references about Vladyka Seraphim.
In this section we publish letters which are mostly about Vladyka's character.

If you can summarize your vision about Vladyka Seraphim's character on the whole or using any example(s) or episode(s) - please send us your notes for publishing in this section even some of your words were already published somewhere else.

The important aim of this section is to say everyone that Archbishop Seraphim is not (and was not) capable to do what he was accused for.
All your letters will be submitted to the lawyer who will represent Vladyka for the appeal in the court.

These days I am in contact with Vladyka's supporters, accusers and hidden accusers. Recently I talked to a person who says that better to loose one man than the church, meaning that we need to continue be silent and accurate in expressing our attitude to our beloved Archbishop, that his life is nothing as compared to the respectfulness of the church; that it will be better if Vladyka will be forgotten by everybody in some quiet distant place.

Hope, you would also object, because our Archbishop is very important for us. He is one of those who from ages are being the basis of Our Church. The Church and all of us cannot survive without them.

Please do not trust those smiling people saying good words about Vladyka but thinking like this person, and doing really nothing to protect him. Such people simply care about their own positions not for the Church.

We also need to pray for those who know for sure that Vladyka Seraphim is innocent and continue silently waiting when he will be removed from our life - because they do not understand him and his life in Christ.